My Money Story
Money was something that I never learned about growing up. It was something that adults took care of and children shouldn’t worry about. Cool! So, my parents managed the finances and I was able to blissfully think that as long as I followed the rules, in my case, study hard and go to college, I would find a job that I love that would pay me what I wanted and live happily ever after.
Then reality hit...and by reality, I mean student loans...and the job that I didn’t love that didn’t pay me what I wanted. Whenever I tried to follow popular budgeting and finance books during that time, I felt like I couldn’t relate to them at all.
I reflected on my values and what was important for me. I still had financial goals (pay off debt, save for retirement or a house), but also gave myself permission to enjoy life as a 20-something, despite having student loan debt... despite not having six months of an emergency fund.
I wanted to have impromptu dinners with friends, make my apartment feel comfy, cozy and a place of rest and maybe even (gasp!) go on a vacation. But most importantly, I wanted to STOP feeling guilty or ashamed that I was not in the same financial position as others. Something had to change!
After taking the time to figure what I valued in life…other than the obvious need to earn a living, I chose to change careers and find something that felt emotionally fulfilling. It was a long road that included a pay cut👎🏽, returning to school 💰, managing the guilt of taking on student loans and unpaid internships. I’d be lying if I didn’t occasionally think I should suck it up and go back to corporate!
In the fifteen years since making that decision, I’ve worked with small business owners, therapists looking to build a private practice, new graduates trying to figure out “adulting”, couples learning to manage their finances together for the first time and more. I ask everyone the same question. Tell me about your money story?